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Highlands Detective Agency: Private Investigators
Orlando Florida Office:​ 863-441-2773
Highlands Detective Agency has investigators  in Orlando, Florida  available to you for a full range of investigation services. Our team consists of the most discrete and professional private investigators available in Orlando, Florida (Orange County) and Lake Placid, Florida (Highlands County). By utilizing state of the art technology and Highlands Detective Agency's 30 years plus of experience, our private investigator in Orlando, will handle your case with complete confidentiality and discretion.
Need a Private Investigator for a Criminal/Civil Search in Orange County, Orlando, Florida?

Orange County Criminal:​

You may need a private Investigator in Orange County to do an Orange County Search. These searches have a great advantage to the person hiring the private investigator, because arrest and disposition records are initially stored in the Orange County courthouse, located in Orlando, Florida. Because of this, there is virtually no time delay in reporting the information our private investigator has uncovered in the Orange County court system that pertains to your case. If you need a private investigator to investigate a matter in the Orange county court system, Highlands Detective Agency will provide one of our private investigators in Orlando to serve your needs.
Examples that require an Orange County civil search would include Orlando persons going through a divorce, Orange County child custody, protective orders, injunctions, debit, personal damages, etc. Orlando is in Orange County, Florida court system, so any questions that arise in Orlando relating to business, contracts, estates, domestic Orlando family relations, accidents in the Orlando area, negligence on the part of anyone living in Orlando, Florida. In a few cases Orange County, Orlando civil court and Orlando criminal courts issues may overlap. At these times our private investigator is close to the scene in Orlando, Florida and can report directly to you in these matters. 
Need a private investigator to locate people in Orlando, Florida?
Orange County, Orlando People Locator:
Given a Social Security number, or simply the name and date of birth of a person in Orlando, Florida, our private Investigator in Orlando, Florida can provide current and historical information from national databases and some Florida level information on Orlando, Florida people. Such as birth certificates, property owned in Orlando , or Orange County, Marriage licenses, death certificates, and professional licenses, etc.
Need a private investigator to locate personal assets in Orlando, Florida?
Orange County, Orlando Personal Asset Locator:
Our private investigator in Orlando will search for property and assets owned by any Orlando persons such as Orlando area real estate, vehicles, boats and equipment registered, taxes owed and paid, license plates registered, VIN, vehicle type, etc.  
Need a private investigator to help evaluate a business partner in Orlando, Florida?
Orange County, Orlando  Business Report:
Our private Investigator in Orlando will provide you with a full business report on individuals and businesses in Orlando, Florida. Whether a small business, or a corporation in Orlando, we will provide you with the information you need to succeed in the business world where information is crucial to survival. Our private investigator can provide risk assessment reports , including principals involved, company officers, dates of operation, status, profits, taxes and registered agents information. Never get t taken by a company , or a person who wants to do business with you, call Highlands detective Agency and let our private investigator in Orlando look into it for you.
Need a private investigator to investigate an employee in Orlando, Florida?
Orange County, Orlando Employee Evaluation Report:
Our private investigator in Orlando will provide you with a complete report including:
Federal criminal:
Our private investigator will search within a specific federal jurisdiction for federal criminal records. Will include any felonies and misdemeanors found at the federal court. Information returned is the same as Felony and Misdemeanor.
Federal Civil:
Our private Investigation of Federal Civil actions relate to Federal statutes including EEOC, EPA, Treasury or SEC fraud, Civil Rights, Trademark or Copyright cases etc. as well as civil causes of action that cross state lines with dollar amounts in excess of $10,000. Information our private investigator may return include: Case number, file date, plaintiff(s), defendant(s), type of case, disposition and disposition date.
The federal court system is composed of districts. These districts maintain their own records and the information in one district is usually not mixed with records in another district. When you select a Federal search, you will receive records from the Federal District you specify - not records nationwide. You provide the county or city and state and we will determine the appropriate district to search.
Our private investigator, given the subject's consent/release with the full name, including "Jr. or Sr.", social security number and full address, a credit report from a national bureau is provided. The account numbers, identification of spouse and age are not provided on the report.
Our private Investigator will provide investigative information such as previous addresses, previous employer(s), payment history, initial date credit was established and number of open trade accounts. This information includes the scope of the applicant's debt obligation and financial responsibility. This search will also reveal any judgments or liens placed against the applicant. Our private Investigator will provide this report, along with the criminal and driving reports, can reveal the responsibility and overall general character of an individual.
Individuals under extreme financial pressure or who have a disproportionate debt to income ratio can pose a risk in certain positions.
Education Verification:
Our private investigator will confirm the subject's claimed educational credentials (high school, college, professional, doctorate, or technical degrees). Search confirms highest degree completed and or enrolled.
Employment Verification:
Our private investigator in Orlando, given a resume or application, can verify dates of employment, position(s) held, salary, and eligibility for rehire (if not prohibited by company policy).
Personal Reference Verification:
Our private investigator in Orlando, given a resume or application, will verify up to three references provided by the applicant. Information returned usually includes: Length of time known, in what capacity, general impressions, strengths/weaknesses, ability to interact with others and reasons for recommendation.
Social Security Number Verification/Trace:
Our private investigator will verify the information provided by the applicant concerning his or her identity and history of residence is the foundation of any good investigation. Verification of the data provided by the applicant by our private investigator in Orlando greatly reduces an individual's ability to hide his or her true identity and possible criminal history. Given a name and social security number, our private investigator can verify if the number has been assigned to search to name.
Worker's Compensation:
Our private investigator in Orlando will check state or regional records for evidence of any workers' compensations claim(s) made by the subject. Information returned varies from state to state and may include file or case number, ID Information, the nature of injury and date of claim. Turnaround times vary state to state.
NOTE: Use of workers' compensation information is strictly REGULATED by each state. A Release is often required. Some states require the release to be notarized. Whether intentionally or not, some states have adopted policies and procedures that create significant obstacles to the use of workers' compensation claim histories in the employment process.
A signed release from the individual being searched may be required.

Need a private investigator in Orlando to check Licenses and Certifications?
Concealed Weapons Permit:
Given the full name and date of birth, our private investigator will search the state index to verify issue or expiration of the permit.
Medical License Verification:
Our private investigator in Orlando searches the state repository to verify a medical license. Information returned may include: Subject's name, date of birth, social security number, type of license issued, date of issuance, expiration date, license number as well as any disciplinary actions taken against the subject including date of action.

Death Certificate:
Our private investigator will search for a copy of the state or county death certificate issued by the appropriate authority. Information turnaround time varies.
Marriage License:
Our private investigator will search for marriage licenses in a specific jurisdiction. Includes the license number, the date issued, the date of marriage and the parties. May include witnesses.


Death Certificate:
Search for a copy of the state or county death certificate issued by the appropriate authority. Information turnaround time varies.
Marriage License:
Search for marriage licenses in a specific jurisdiction. Includes the license number, the date issued, the date of marriage and the parties. May include witnesses.Death Certificate:
Search for a copy of the state or county death certificate issued by the appropriate authority. Information turnaround time varies.
Marriage License:
Search for marriage licenses in a specific jurisdiction. Includes the license number, the date issued, the date of marriage and the parties. May include witnesses.

Private Investigator


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